Low voltage cables with copper conductor , PVC insulation and sheath with tape Armour.
In the above structure, copper is used as the main conductor of the cable. The type of insulation, inner cover and sheath used are polyvinyl chloride or PVC materials. The cable armour is made of galvanized steel or aluminum.
The use of armour to increase the mechanical strength of the cable to prevent external mechanical pressures, stresses and shocks to protect it. Depending on the type of voltage used (usually DC), often the armour is made of aluminum in single core cables.
In the above cables, the armour of the armoured cables are placed in a tape and helix form on the inner cover.
The conductors of the above cables are produced as solid core (so-called RE), Circular starnded (RM),  shaped stranded (sector -SM-) or as compact conductors (RM/V).
0.6/1 kv is the most used of this group of products. The routine technical specifications of this type of cables are as follows:


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